Reasons to Buy Fire Proximity Suit by RNG

Sophia Smith
3 min readFeb 14, 2020


Splashes of molten metal pose a constant risk to the workers in foundries and metal industries. When working in hardcore metalworking, welding and steel industries, protecting against fires and metal splashes need to be taken seriously. RNG India has come up with aluminized fire proximity suits that can protect the users from fire hazards. These suits are designed to provide greater safety for the workers, engineers, welders and labourers. Here we hope to explain reasons to buy Fire Proximity Suits by RNG:

High Heat Protection

Constant exposure to heat can be detrimental to one’s health. It is necessary to have safety gear to protect workers from constant heat and high temperature exposure. The aluminized fire proximity suit India is designed for this purpose. Made from silicone coated fiberglass material, it has ann outer aluminized lining to provide further protection from heat and fires.

Certified by the Fire Safety Authorities

Being a good quality fire proximity suit, the product by RNG has received ISO11612 and IS 11871 certifications. These certifications further assure the quality of the suit.

Designed with Safe Materials

A fire proximity suit should not just provide safety from fire and high temperatures. It should also be convenient for the wearer to wear it while working in the core industry. This is the reason why lightweight Silicone coated fiberglass is used to design these materials. As these suits do not contain any asbestos or ceramic, they do not have any harmful effects on the wearer.

Fire Proximity suit India

Protects from Fire Hazards

Fire hazards may happen accidentally in foundries, welding industries and metalworking industries. Better preparation against these can help the workers stay safe. The fire proximity suits are made from materials that do not allow oxygen to pass through them. They not just provide heat resistance but also prevent the fire from spreading. Hence, these materials are ideal for providing fire safety.

Convenient to Wear

Lightweight silicone coated fiberglass with aluminium lining is lightweight and convenient to wear. That is why the wearer can conveniently carry on with his work while wearing these fire proximity suits without feeling uncomfortable. That is why they are highly recommended as fire safety wear.

Available in Different Sizes

Since the needs of different industries could be different, the fire proximity suits are available in 2 lining, 3 lining and 4 lining thicknesses. The weight of these suits may vary anywhere between 6.5 to 9.5 kgs. These fire proximity suits also come with aluminized hood and safety helmet for further protection of the wearer. The aluminized pants are provided in free size so that anyone can wear it. These come with aluminized gloves, aluminized suit and a nylon carry bag. Aluminized jackets are also available and they come with breathing apparatus pouch.

Place an Order for Fire Proximity Suit after Specifying the following aspects:

• The thickness or number of linings you require in the suit.
• The type of sleeves and hood required.
• Any further customisation needs specific to your industry.



Sophia Smith
Sophia Smith

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